Gasshuku 40-years Anniversary

voorblad boek

November 11, 2013Posted by Rob Quant


De Gasshuku 40-years Anniversary

The weekend 9 and 10 november 2013 was all about sharing experiences and the General principles in Budo. Bestuur en leraren For this special occasion great masters from Sweden, Switzerland and France came over. They arrived in the course of Friday. The Board treated them in the evening on a warm welcome to the dojo with a delicious dinner. After dinner, ideas were exchanged and the program was being completed.

The next morning the day started early. At nine o'clock the Gasshuku started. Welcome teachers
All guests and participants were being welcomed. Welcome everybody


Afterwards, the morning was filled with two workshops. The first was provided by Shihan Jan Kallenbach assisted by sensei Hans Bakker and sensei Etienne Graanoogst.
Taikiken hanjo hans Taikiken hanjo


The second was provided by SMR Menkyo Kaiden Pascal Krieger assisted by SMR Menkyo Kaiden Fred Quant. The atmosphere was very cordial, open and was featured by a sense of belonging. Pascal Krieger en Fred Quant Jodo


lunch This was followed by a well deserved and well cared for lunch. The attendees enjoyed the lunch and took into good account the afternoon program. The afternoon program consisted also of two workshops.

The first was provided by Shihan Michael Söderkvist assisted by sensei Lars Sjöberg and sensei Rob Quant. act4 The attendees were surprised with a very interesting workshop. They were being introduced to an entirely different facet of the Kyokushin karate than expected. Group kata


Shihan Marshall McDonagh had the honour of the final workshop of the day to take care of. This he began with a reflection of his experiences of the last few years. The fight against the invisible opponent. Also in this fight Shihan Marshall McDonagh knew to handle the principles of budo. Marshall + Guy + Ake He closed the workshop with a playful practice session, after which the first day ended. Marshall + Michael All participants followed each workshop and were introduced to the General principals, views and interpretations of the Grand Masters. All participants left the room with a satisfied feeling of enrichment.


Sunday, two more workshops completed the Gasshuku. Pascal Krieger this time assisted by Jean Luis Martin had the honour to present another very interesting workshop. Ken training This time he went in on kenjutsu and presented the attendees a variety of techniques with explanation, after which some could be practiced with each other.
Also now there was again a great open atmosphere with a special budo-spirit.
Ken practice All pounced totally on the offered exercise material, where those in the know offered the others their help and knowledge spontaneously.
Daan The last workshop was to Jan Kallenbach. In this workshop, a number of aspects which were central earlier in the weekend, were approached from a different point of view. Those present could again in a completely different way get to know the possibilities that Tai Ki Ken and budo offer. Also during this session a variety of surprising exercises was offered to the the attendees.


At the end of the Gasshuku shihans Marshall McDonagh and Jan Kallenbach let us join and practice their versions of the kata Ba Duan Jin.
Ba Duan Jin Marshall Ba Duan Jin
The Gasshuku was closed in a very relaxed way and all participants went home with a very enriched feeling.

Frank Hoekzema wasn't able to participate and excercise, but he sure did shoot a lot of nice pictures. Frank, a lot af thanks for that from all of us!
boek Tai sabaki calligraphy sluiting

slot swedish Jacques Legree, Marshall McDonagh, Pascal Krieger, Jan Kallenbach
Sensei Rob Conradi managed to shoot and publish some nice pictures. Click here for his photo's
Hans Everts also shot very nice pictures, Click here for his photo's.

What the participants think of the Gasshuku

Robert Gattat
It was a pleasure to participate at this 40 years among these Sensei and student, this Gasshuku has proved that Martial art is defenetly a family. I felt the need to stay open mind Taiki bring the tools. To me you have brought authority and expertise everyone know how much it is important to have someone like you to represent martial art. Thanks

Åke Wall
The Yoshinken Budokas went home with a great feeling; we met old friends and gained new ones, all skilled in martial arts. We Thank Sensei Jan Kallenbach and the organization of Shinbuken for a nice Gashuku and weekend. Domo Arigato
Read more

Patrik Orth
It was nice experience there. By the way - here is a short report in CZ budo website 40. výrocí Shin-Shinbuken Dojo |

Marshall McDonagh
On behalf of Yoshinken Sweden, I congratulate the Shin-Shinbuken Budo Team for the excellent Gasshuku which contained ALL of the important ingredients of modern BUDO as it should be.
The good feeling experienced will last a long time and further efforts in never giving up in personal development, with humble respect, strong "KI" and influence the coming generation with these special values.

John McWilliams
Pascal and Fred performed incredible embu. Thanks for sharing the great weekend. The budo spirit was very strong - see you next time!

Shihan Michael Söderkvist
Thank You for your hospitality and great time we had together. I think our seminar worked out very well as I heard from the participants.

Åke Wall
A big thanks to you and your friends in Shin-ShinBuKen for the Gasshuku, it was really nice to meet with the Jo and Karate people. But it's so with Budo people, it is always nice. And now remember Rob that you promised to come and train TaiKiKen with me next time I visit Shin-ShinBuKen.

Alain Stoll
Nur ein mal ich bedanke mir auch für mein Deshi Olivier für diese zwei fabelhafte Tage in Amsterdam. Das war sehr Lehrhaft mit andere Leute von Taikiken Kenpo, Kyokushinkai und Jodo das keiko zu folgen. Domo Arigato Gozaimashita. Wir bleiben in verbindungen, wie immer.

Julien Porterie
Osu! In the name of all ACBB Taiki members, i would like once again to thank you for this great week-end. The martial content and the human links were so rich. And so long time since we didn't see Jacques Sensei so happy, enjoying, living and speaking that way!

Rolf Slijkerman
We had an inspiring gasshuku this weekend. For those who want to: it would be nice to be ready at 20.00 hours and start with some kumite.

Lars Sjöberg
Thank you very much for your hospitality and for hosting us during a very successful gasshuku. It´s an honour for me to participate. It was nice to get to know you and I hope that we can stay in contact in the future. We keep in touch.
Budo Regards from Lars.

Pascal Krieger
Hello Fred, I had a nice trip back. A little tired but extremely happy about this wonderful gasshuku, meeting with such old friends as Marshal and Ian. Thanks for your wonderful hospitality. See you in some 50 days. Pascal Krieger Merci Ian, yes, let us go on. I had a great time. Take good care of yourself, my friend. Have a good end of the year. Pascal Krieger.

Kees en Will Bruggink
Jullie kunnen terug kijken op een meer dan geslaagd jubileum. Het was geweldig, en wij vonden het een eer daar deel van uit te mogen maken waarvoor nogmaals dank.

József Katona
Finally back in safe, only my weapons left in Amsterdam, but since then KLM brought them back to me. Thank you again for the invitation and also for your hospitality, even staying in your family circle. Altough I was the only one Hungarian there, but never felt alone or bored during those days. It was very nice being there and do cross-training. I realized that I have learnt couple of things again. Please, give my best regards to the organizers and the folks around, as well.

40-years Anniversary

September 28, 2013Posted by Rob Quant


The reunion

Saturday 28 september 2013 we celebrated that 40 years ago the Foundation was laid for our Association. The day started with the training Tai Ki Ken, which on this day was open for interested parties. After the training the attendees could get to know each other in a casual atmosphere and exchange experiences. Loïs and Maurice Quant guaranteed an excellent care of the inner man. More and more (former) members and invited guests gathered and made themselves on for the sequel. With a beautiful slideshow Shihan Kallenbach gave the attendees an impression of 40 years Shin-ShinBuKen. After the opening and slide show it was time for the Shinto-lesson followed by an initiation ceremony by Shinto-master Paul de Leeuw.

Click here and see the super cozy reunion, for which we are very grateful to the attendees!!

BusteJan At the end of the ceremony it was again time for cosy sharing experiences while enjoying various refreshments and hot snacks. The attendees enjoyed plenty of as time flew by. It wasn't long before we had to move to the party Center. There the day continued with even more former members who exhanged memories and experiences. The evening had another surprise in store by jodolid Frank Hoekzema, who presented a fine craftsmanship of modeling to the Board, a bust of President Jan Kallenbach. The attendees were all very impressed by the way in which Frank created the image, what a particular masterpiece!!
The evening was further completed with various anecdotes in a nice casual atmosphere.

Click here and see the super cozy reunion, for which we are very grateful to the attendees!!

Acceptance Speech by Jan Kallenbach

September 30, 2013Posted by Rob Quant


For our foreign Friends:
Thank you,
On behalf of the board of Shin-ShinBuKen I want to thank the President of Karatedo Bond Nederland, Sensei Takahashi, all Shin-shinBuken Members, my fellow Boardmembers...and of course some unforgettable TaiKi members and former ShinBuKenners for their attention, presence...and efforts on our 40 Years ShinBuken Party last Saturday in our Dojo and the Halve Maen.
Your presence felt very good and made this happening unforgettable for us. We were very happy, sometimes astonished and moved by all this attention and nice presents we received as Board of Shin-ShinBuKen and personally. In my memory those 40 Years went by as a 'shot arrow' ...with this difference, all could see our arrow finally did hit our mark, and after all we can state our efforts during those 40 Years have not been in vain. Thank you for your personal efforts to give our 40 Years content and a good's good we could share all this and it is super you helped us celebrating it.
A frank Domo Arigato!

Jan Kallenbach
TaiKiKen & Yi-Chuan Kyoshi Master Teacher
Pres. Shin-ShinBuKen Dojo Amsterdam

Shihan Jan Kallenbach 8th KBN

September 30, 2013Posted by Rob Quant


A nice gift for the shihan during the celebration of our 40th anniversary. David Roovers, President of the Karatedo Federation Netherlands (KBN), made for a special surprise. David came to the dojo especially for this special promotion. He had the pleasure on behalf of the KBN to promote Shihan Jan Kallenbach to 8th dan KBN. He looked back on a nice track record and welcomed the versatility of the all-round Budo practitioner Shihan Jan Kallenbach.
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Uitreiking 8dan

Enkele anekdotes

September 20, 2013Posted by Steven de Bie


Ik stond in de dojo tegenover onze lange zeer getalenteerde jonge Surinamer (helemaal rechts, heette hij niet Hans of zoiets? ShinBuKen begintijd Ik noem hem even X) in een rondje "vrij knokken". Hij was extreem lenig en had een verwoestende mawashi. Daar was ik op bedacht en wist die een aantal keren af te weren. We waren lekker bezig, tot er ineens een tegel uit het plafond op mijn achterhoofd viel, waardoor ik knock out ging. Toen ik bijkwam, was X vreselijk geschrokken, hij maakte duizend excuses, vroeg hoe het met me ging etc. Waarop ik dus vertelde dat er een stuk van het plafond op mijn achterhoofd was gevallen. Hij zag dat kennelijk anders, hij beweerde dat hij me met een trap geraakt had op mijn kin. Ik geloofde er niks van. Onno en Frank Maar het bewijs was er, een flinke scheur in mijn lip. De smeerkees had me met een prachtig gecamoufleerde trap van schuin onder neergemaaid. Onze tandarts (Y; sorry, slecht geheugen voor namen) heeft me in zijn auto geladen en in de tandartspraktijk in Zaandam mijn lip keurig met naald en draad opgelapt.
( Rob Quant: De tandarts is Onno van Wonderen, de eerste voorzitter van de vereniging hier links op de foto )

In een ander rondje vrij knokken stond ik tegenover een Belg die bij ons te gast was. Het was een "buitenwipper", een portier. Kort, gedrongen, zwaar en heel veel spier. Maar weinig techniek, bokshouding. Ik raakte hem met de voeten links en rechts om de oren en in de buikstreek. Deed hem helemaal niks. Hij bleef komen. En voor ik het wist had hij me met een korte hoek op de nieren flat out. Ik lag op de grond naar lucht te happen. Jan pakte me met twee handen onder mijn rug en trok een paar keer mijn rug flink hol. Dat hielp, en na een minuutje of zo was het over. Straatvechten, is toch even wennen...
We stonden op de paasheuvel in Vierhouten, 's ochtends erg vroeg. Het vroor. In karateg, blote voeten (geloof ik) met z'n allen fijn Zen staan in de richting van de opkomende zon. Mijn handen vroren van mijn lijf. Ik dacht: "At ease mate, laat gaan en je voelt er niks van..." Dat was niet zo. Ik stierf het af van de kou, alle gevoel verdween uit mijn handen. Heb stiekem om de beurt mijn handen onder m'n oksels gestoken. "Ik geloof dat ik zeker weet dat ik dit eigenlijk helemaal niet wil....", dacht ik. Dat heb ik natuurlijk nooit aan iemand verteld.

Frank Heckman en Steven de Bie Een anekdote die ik me zelf niet meer kan herinneren, maar Frank Heckman vertelde me dit vele jaren later: ik schijn bij een van mijn eerste keren in de dojo, met mijn (niet al te zware) judo-achtergrond Jan Kallenbach onderuit geveegd te hebben, die met een daverende dreun op z'n rug ging. Dat heb ik geweten, hij heeft me vervolgens alle kanten van de dojo laten zien, aldus Frank. Ik weet dus echt niet of dit waar is, zou je bij Frank moeten checken.

Jacques Legree Van Vierhouten kan ik me ook nog wel goed onze Franse gasten herinneren, dat waren supersporters, van ijzer en heel goed.

Een laatste herinnering: ik deed examen voor een van de banden, en moest een kata doen met een tegenstander (heet dat dan ook een kata? Nu ja, je weet wel). Als ik me goed herinner was Fred Quant mijn slachtoffer, kan dat? Ik was zo waanzinnig geconcentreerd en overtuigend bezig, dat ik me pas aan het eind van het ritueel realiseerde dat ik hem echt de stuipen op het lijf gejaagd had. Jan vond het prachtig, dat weet ik nog wel. Fred Quant iets minder, maar hij was er snel weer overheen.

40 jaar Shin-ShinBuKen

September 16, 2013Posted by Jan Kallenbach


Hier een foto uit de tweede fase van onze ShinBuKen bloeitijd. De Zweedse nationaal karate kampioen Jack Lindau, uit Landskrona komt bij ons mee trainen. Jack, Kyokushinkai karate man, presteerde goed op de Europese Karate Unie wedstrijden en kwam zich bij ons in ShinBuKen voorbereiden.

Groepsfoto met Jack Lindau - Sweden Een prachtige tijd, met vlnr. Hans Paulich (Sheffield, UK, komt op onze receptie); sensei Jan, in kenpo-gi; daarachter Hans Everts (Geneva, traint nog steeds, komt ook); voor hem staat Jack Lindau (Zweden); daarnaast Steven de Bie (co-auteur met Frank Heckman van ' de Reis van de Held' ); sensei Rob Quant; achter hem: Pedro Jie Sam Foek (verhinderd); Frank Heckman, (de Reis van de Held) en gastdocent en Haske Verheijen, traint nog steeds.
Achter onze hoofden een spreuk: " modesty is the greatest virtue in Budo"

40 years anniversary - Reunion - Party

It's now 40 years since the foundation of our Association. Initially a club of students of the former Osdorper comprehensive school started practicing karatedo under the inspiring leadership of Jan Kallenbach. The club grew into a renowned Association offering even more than karatedo. Budo Association Shin Bu Ken was born. Rob en Fred Quant developed their teaching skills in ShinBuKen and they prove themselves in a fantastic manner. Our offer has been in place for almost 40 years from:
Taikiken conducted by Jan Kallenbach Kyoshi Master Teacher Taikiken & Yi Chuan,
Kyokushinkai karate conducted by Rob Quant sensei,
Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo conducted by Fred Quant SMR-jo Menkyo Kaiden.
We would like to share this moment with all the members and former members during a casual reunion on saturday September 28, 2013.
Have you been a member of our association or former Club Kallenbach and Shin Bu Ken? Are you interested in how others have developed and what they are doing today?

Do you want to share your experience with us?

Please fill in this form and we will place your additorial.

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